Sailing Around the World with Long Beach Yacht Club

We are sailing toward one of our busiest seasons yet at Long Beach Yacht Club. Not only do we have an action-packed year of hosting regattas, but our members are also more active than ever sailing under our club burgee around the world.
We celebrated our Port Captain Tom Camp and his entire crew of Wally Cross, Gabriel Ferramola, Jennifer Hylander, Bleiz Larzul, Michael Maloney, Zach Miller and PSSC David Stotler of Trouble on their 1st place finish in the ORR 4 class at the San Diego to Puerto Vallarta race hosted by San Diego Yacht Club. LBYC members Daniel Gorman crewed on Fast Exit II and Steve Dodd crewed on Peligroso in the same regatta.
Over in Florida our LBYC junior sailors competed in the 2024 Club 420 Midwinter Championship for the John V. Hanson Trophy. Entered under the LBYC burgee were Alex Lech, Hannah Crompton, Madison Mansour, Nicky Lech, Sophia Corzine, and Walter McFarland.
Member Adriano Schneider sailed in the Hobie 16 Nationals in Brazil. The regatta hosted roughly 84 competitors, with 12 racing in the Hobie 14 Nationals and the remaining in 36 Hobie 16 boats for the Hobie 16 Nationals.
Coming up in April, the world’s top match racing skippers return to LBYC April 24-28, 2024, for the 59th Congressional Cup. This World Championship regatta is a premier event on the prestigious World Match Racing Tour.
The roster for this year’s Congressional Cup follows an unprecedented demand by eligible match racing teams from around the globe. The oldest continuously held sailing match race regatta in the world, the Congressional Cup is the only match race regatta in the United States to qualify for World Championship status from World Sailing. Several competing skippers hail from ICOYC Member Clubs, including Long Beach Yacht Club, Royal Danish Yacht Club, Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club and Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. Keep up to date by visiting thecongressionalcup.com or take in the action in person at the Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier right here in beautiful Long Beach, CA.
See you on the water!