ICOYC Events

World Forums
Every 18 months, members of the ICOYC’s Member Clubs meet for an International Forum, hosted by a Member Club. The Forum location changes with each event, rotating between continents and hemispheres to offer attendees a geographically diverse experience.
Each Forum offers attendees multi-day sessions of educational presentations and interactive discussions. The agenda is developed by the host club and the Council Board together, focusing on the topics and issues most relevant to the Council’s clubs, memberships and the sport of sailing. In addition to offering excellent collaboration and networking opportunities, the Forums are an incomparable chance to explore another of the world’s leading yacht clubs and enjoy that club’s region, with local member guidance.
Primary objectives:
- Make and forge new friendships that can be called on beyond the Forum
- Exchange ideas for improving club operations, governance and the member experience
- Discuss ideas for improving the sport of sailboat racing and the activity of yachting internationally
- Allow club professionals to engage with their peers in one-on-one discussions

Regional Conferences
Annually, each region of the ICOYC holds a two-day conference, hosted by a Member Club. Organized into the international subsets of Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific, these Conferences allow geographically similar Member Clubs to deepen their network and discuss issues specific to their region.
Primary Objectives:
- Elaborate on discussions held at the World Forum
- Discuss yacht club issues that are specific to the region
- Introduce junior flag officers to the ICOYC process
- Enhance personal contacts in the region
- Welcome guest clubs to learn about the benefits of joining ICOYC

ICOYC Cruises
Cruises are organized by Member Clubs and open to all members of member clubs. Thanks to the benefit of having a local guide on the water, these Cruises can feel like a hosted flotilla. Some Cruises align with World Forums to ensure Forum attendees can experience everything the area has to offer; other Cruises are organized ad-hoc.

Member Club Event Announcements
As a member of a club in the ICOYC, you gain selective access to invitations to regattas, cruises and events at yacht clubs around the world. Member Clubs can submit events to the Council’s calendar.