RPYC Welcomes New Fleet of Elliott 7s

The Members at Royal Perth Yacht Club (RPYC) are beyond excited to announce the arrival of a fleet of Elliott 7s, and with them an exhilarating future ahead for sailing development at the Club. The Elliott 7s will enable sailing development at RPYC to hit warp speed with the one design fleet optimized to deliver speed, performance and skill development not found on other boats.
With this acquisition of Elliott 7s, RPYC joins other clubs including RPAYC, RSYS, CYCA and RNZYS in providing a fleet of competitive boats for Members to develop their skills and prepare for national and international regattas in support of the Club’s top priority – supporting RPYC sailors to reach peak performance in sailing.
Deep within competitive sailors is the desire to be the best; to strive, achieve and to beat that rival across the line. RPYC has created a new pathway forward to ensure Members have access to a first-class program dedicated to the development of performance skills and creating a supportive, inclusive culture in which Members can challenge each other to succeed. At the heart of the program are the dedicated coaches and instructors who will be able to provide direction in the new Elliott 7s.
The acquisition of the Elliott 7s also provides RPYC with a competitive edge not previously held when bidding for national and international sailing regattas. Having the fleet at the Club will also ensure regattas held by RPYC will attract top sailors and crews from around Oceania, once again placing the Club on the world stage of sailing.